On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 5:23 PM, Craig Berry <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

Of course, on the third hand, the US was "surprised" by the use of jetliners as cruise missiles on 9/11, despite two preceding well-known fictional portrayals of the specific building-as-target idea that I can think of offhand,.not to mention the use of kamikaze aircraft against our fleet in WWII.

Most of NYC is a no-fly zone due to a bomber hitting the Empire State building in '45.

Multiple intelligence briefs had suggested an attack on the US, including highjacking aircraft, but I don't think any of them suggested suicide crews using highjacked aircraft as air-to-ground missiles.

Back to topic, presumably, most larger systems have fairly competent in-system traffic control and defenses.

And, presumably, the Imperium puts some amount of cultural emphasis on not being a genocidal planet-wrecking monster.  




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