Kinda, if you are using a single band Radar, and your target has perfect reception and analysis. And considering the "Perfect" reception that so many of the "There's no Stealth in Space" crowd stipulate, why would radiating be a problem, in that they see you anyways?

My biggest problems with these sorts of Discussions in that the baseline assumptions are never stated, especially when the "Science Says" argument is deployed.

I for one would like to know what the Engagement/Detection envelope are in y'alls head.

Also whether it's a single ship or fleet comparison. 


Even if you assume perfect detection with both systems, with one system you see the light from the other ship. It travel from their ship to yours.
With the active system the radiation travels from your ship to their ship and back again. So it takes 2x longer than the passive system. 

Douglas E Knapp

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