to be honest, I'm quite enjoying reading this. It does hark back to the the near-c-rock slinging comfortable shoe wearing female Aslan pirates of the 90's.
I kind of miss that passion and (not so much) that vitriol.
To the point - the Aslan tactics that the other Greg mentioned are straight out of H. Beam Piper's Space Viking ( - Only they used starships and just landed them on the seat of government, disgorging troops and using nukes to swat pesky defenders. Nothing new or surprising there, and easily defended against if you have a proper planetary defense network.
Space Viking actually is the basis for a lot of Traveller - if you've not read any of Piper's work, it's worth it to see the fount that traveller sprung from - sort of like Jack Vance's Dying Earth and Tolken had such an impact on D&D. I'm sure everyone here knows that, just pointing it out for the Other Greg. ;-)