Hello again Timothy,

Since I'm using my web browser to reply I apologize for not putting my replies inside or below the responses.
The web gremlins have a field day so I try to rain on their fun.
I'm glad that the achieve site may provides some additional information and digging for information asked by someone else is not at all time consuming compared to my looking for information for myself.
I believe I have something from Juggernaut Press, unfortunately I'm not sure in which box I have my Traveller stuff stored in. If I feel brave enough I'll try to dig out my box and let you know if I have the title "Dawn World: Gateway to the Open Cluster". I've thought about digging through the boxes and creating a list of the items, unfortunately the thought is still gathering dust.
May be this is a time for me to get going on the project.

Take care,
Tom Rux

From: "Timothy Collinson" <xxxxxx@port.ac.uk>
To: xxxxxx@simplelists.com
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2015 7:45:54 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] Dark River

Hi there,

Morning Timothy,

Glorious sunny afternoon here!  In the garden enjoying the new Mindjammer book - it's gorgeous.  But sadly it's not Traveller.  (But sometimes I need to take a break from the bibliography)

I checked the site Interactive Archive, https://archive.org/, that appears to be a repository for a lot of odd material that can be downloaded for free. There may be something there that might provide the material you are looking for, my search criteria did not turn up anything, however you may have better luck.

Thanks for that.  The waybackmachine is a lot of fun - and quite useful for me in my professional capacity to see what websites used to look like.  I don't usually have much success finding things like Dark River but I might give it a go (and there's a few other things I'd like to see too).  

Such as:

Aboard the Death Ship (Reilly Associates adventure)

Beastmaster (Roll-for-your-life char gen)

Character Record Sheets (Supernova Games)

Dawn World: Gateway to the Open Cluster (Juggernaut Press)

Universal Data Profile (Loner Enterprises forms)

Aldreth Book A (Hodgegames “fantasy supplement”)

Aldreth Book B

as I can imagine that's the next question. :-) 

(If anyone does have any of them and is prepared for questions... please let me know.)

It was no trouble for me researching material and providing what I find even if my efforts don't turn up anything.

No, I appreciate it's time consuming - so thank you.
Thank you for the information that the copies I have of the to bibliographies are the latest from BITS and that I need to leave room on my wish for the next offering of them.
Looks like my efforts this time turned up a something even if it was not extremely helpful. Hopefully the site I provided in this reply will be a bit more useful.
Not knowing on how much material didn't make the cut for the bibliographies I won't take the bet.

Well in theory there shouldn't be *anything* that doesn't make the cut... :-)
If it's "Traveller" it's in.
But I'm aware that there are some lacunae (particularly Japanese Traveller) and I suspect that if I could spend three weeks in Mr Miller's archives/garage/shelves, I'd find I was missing quite a few things.

Thanks again


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