I suspect so. Armor is fairly cheap, and 15 (the max) points makes you immune to lasers. You can't, on the other hand make yourself particle beam proof. Once I am awake let me see what I can do. In MgT, lasers in general are good only against lightly or unarmored ship/craft and as point defense. Which is why I made the comment about particle beams being better. For that matter non-nuke missles aren't all that great either. Armor is limited by TL, so it would take a TL 12 craft to be more or less immune to lasers. If you apply the personal combat rule that you add the effect (i.e the amount over 8 you rolled to hit, after all mods) to space craft combat, this makes lasers some what more dangerous. I MTU/game I do this. It still means that high armor craft (small and ship both) can tend to shrug off 1d6 and 2d6 weapons, unless the laser has both a well trained and lucky gunner. Assuming gunner skill of 4 and a roll of 12 to hit that is plus 8 to damage, which makes the max damage for a pulse laser 14 points, but one side effect of the effect rule would be that an effect over 6 lets 1 point in, regardless of armor, which gives you a chance of hurting even a 15 armor craft. A single one point hit will not kill a 50 dTon craft, but two, depend on where the hit, can. Just as an example, a 100 dTon ship takes at least 8 single point hits to kill.In a couple of hours let me toss together a LAC and a torpedo boat and see what can be done.
On Saturday, September 13, 2014, Ian Whitchurch <ian.whitchurch@gmail.com> wrote:OK, wearing the fact you can build a 50dton small craft with two ship killing weapons ... can that 50dton craft happily eat the kind of lasers that fit into one-per-100dton turrets ?If they can't, then I'll be sending in against your "capital ship destroyer" multiple small anti-destroyer ships with light guns as a screen ?
Not to put too fine a point on it, and I'm not trying it start a
version flame war or any thing, but I don't play CT,MT, TNE (shudder),
T4 or T5, so what those rules say about a given topic are sort of, as
I'm found of saying, orthogonal to the debate. I play MgT, and if I
wanted to I could make ship killing LAC, ala Honor Harrington series
with out to much work. Might be pushing it to call them a fighter but
a 50 dTon small craft could carry two shipping killing weapons (to
include a pair of torpedoes, but would be defenseless after launch.
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