Hello Timothy Collinson,COTI had up until 2008 an elibrary link that one was able to download T20 material.
I can confirm that the last time my files show I downloaded zip files back in October of 2008 forEpic Adventures 1 - 7 and Taveller's Aide 1 - 8.
The saved web page I have has the following item listed: The Mahkahraik: A Minor Race of the Sydymic Outworlds Cluster as a new release.
Gateway Campaign Pack
(I think this was a compliation of other stuff but not sure what or whether it was print or PDF)
Gateway Domain Cluster Book 1: The Megusard Corporate
Martin J. Dougherty. Avenger Enterprises, 2006.
Gateway Domain Cluster Book 2: The Starfall Cluster
Martin J. Dougherty. Avenger Enterprises, 2006.
Golden Age EPIC Adventure 1: The Forgotten War
Michael Taylor. QuikLink Interactive, 2004.
Golden Age EPIC Adventure 2: The Gabriel Enigma
Michael Taylor. QuikLink Intereactive, 2005.
IIRC I helped out on the Gateway to Destiny book and when the softcover book got updated I also received a PDF.
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