From: Freelance Traveller <>
Sent: Monday, September 1, 2014 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] [Freelance Traveller] September 2014 Ready for Download!

On Mon, 1 Sep 2014 13:15:46 +0100, David Shaw <>

I believe that most of the e-readers out there already support PDF;
while I wouldn't try to use one of the smaller devices out there (they
don't have sufficient resolution to show the entire page at anything
resembling readability, and having to scroll both horizontally and
vertically is suboptimal), the tablet-sized ones (Nook HD+ is my
personal choice, but I know at least one reader with an iPad) with the
higher-resolution screens seem to do OK with the PDF. I use the A4
edition on my Nook HD+ with N2A card (Jellybean), using the Aldiko
reader software for Android.

If I can ever find a plugin for MS Publisher 2010 that lets me 'Save
As...' ePUB, or a "printer driver" that lets me print to ePUB the way
that any number of products let me do with PDF, I'll certainly consider
bringing that format to Freelance Traveller - but as it stands, even
Calibre's conversion makes a hacked-up hairball out of an issue, so to
do a usable ePUB, I'd literally have to come up with a whole new layout,
one which wouldn't look as nice for PDF, and which would add on another
week to the production time.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported
    Traveller® Fanzine and Resource

Strangely, Calibre did alright for me when I converted FT for my Nook HD+, but since I added an SD card, .pdfs read easily enough I didn't need to keep converting them. Of course, the previous version only went up through Nook Color, while (IIRC) the current iteration goes up through Nook HD, so I had to set the screen size for it to convert to. I did have that trouble when converting .cbrs to .epub, which is why I finally bought Comicat.