> Any plans to do a print on demand version (with, is it Lightning
> Source?) for those of us sad folk who still like paper for reading?!
> Would it be much extra work?  I'd have to pay for postage but it
> would presumably have a nicer cover/binding than trying to print it
> myself.  Just a thought.
> tc
Any print shop (Office Depot / Staples / Kinkos here in the US, IDK what shops in the UK) can do a very nice print job, but a decent printer, combined with a good report cover or thin binder can do a good job as well.

>Also, any plans to do an e-reader friendly version (preferably ePub, but
>any of the common formats would do) for those of us who've just bought
>an e-reader and would like to be able to read FT on the go?
>David Shaw

Nook reads .pdf, and Calibre can convert almost any format to any other format. That's what I use to change most things to .epub for my Nook. another option, though, is to convert it to .jpegs, and use WinRar or 7Zip to turn it into a .cbr/.cbz, which I find reads even better on Nook (I use the paid form of Comicat and the freeware ComicRack).
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