Wow, I did not realize that.
But that completely changes the social dynamics of the setting. Instead of a setting with largely independent worlds that belong to one Imperium this gives every single planet its own homegrown army of occupation.
Also reminds me of Starship Troopers. "Service guarantees citizenship?"
On 26 August 2014 16:30, Jeffrey Schwartz <> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 10:19 AM, John Geoffrey <> wrote:
> But I don't think the Draft in CT works at all like any draft in our world.
> Don't you have to subject yourself to the draft? (my main game is MongT
> though). And even then a draft normally doesn't affect everybody in the
> population. I for example got around being drafted on account of being
> nearly blind without glasses (the examiner didn't even get past her first
> question in that regard. She still measured the rest of my body, but it felt
> rather lackluster after seeing the strength of my glasses).
> Anyway, I always interpreted the draft rule as a desperate
> get-me-out-of-here/last-chance-before-fastfood ticket for people who'd be
> stuck on their world without it, not as something that affects every single
> person. (which might be rather difficult anyway, considering that some low
> pop worlds need most of their populace to just survive, taking away a large
> part of them for a multitude of military duties might be a death sentence
> for a world).

CT says everyone must do at least 4 years service to the Imperium.
Universal Service...
If you don't make the roll for the service of your choice, then you're
"Drafted" (roll d6, go there)
There's a comment in there somewhere (I think) that the Draft puts
people into the service that needs additional warm bodies.
I mention the Draft to say that even if 1/6 of the people _don't_
chose Merchant, then things will even out and 1/6 will end up being

Of course, the idea of a few million Scouts flying Type-S's off Earth
each day is kinda creepy.... so there is an element of tongue in cheek
to this logic.
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