On 5 Jul 2014, at 01:33, Andrew Bernstein <editor.dude@gmail.com> wrote:

My $0.02

    - how prevalent would Zhodanis be in non-Imperial parts of the
    Spinward Marches (I'm specifically thinking of District 268 and
    margins) (I'm also thinking of in the year or two before the Fifth
    Frontier War)
    - common, rare?
Zhodani culture prizes law & order. Their use of psionics has eliminated dishonesty, unhappiness, and aggression from their society. It's a very boring society as a result and because all of the Proles are happy, it's a very creepy one too.

District 268, being lawless, is not like that at all. The Zhodani who would venture there would have to be very brave and very industrious traders as a result.

That's the plan. :-)

Naturally, it's a great place to plant spies; and advisors who shelter and train Ine Givar rebels.
    - what would independent world attitude (in general) be to them?
    Fearful? Curious? Accepting?
My take: "oh look, it's another Imperium that wants to dominate us. Let's do some trade witht hem but other than that, )(*#$ those guys."
    - if Zhos are not very very rare, would psi-helmets be easily available?
It's a supply and demand issue. The helmets will be available in places where Zhos are more common. It's not Imperial proprietary technology and the few worlds in the District that have a high enough TL will have the capacity to make them. And don't forget the Sword Worlds are nearby too.

ADVENTURE SEED #1: A Zhodani noble has set up shop, a small import-export business, on a D268 world. It's a cover for a psionics institute. His real purpose is to use telepathy to infiltrate the planet's society with psionicists who will work their way into the local government and ultimately give the world over to the Consulate.

ADVENTURE SEED #2: A disgraced Zhodani war veteran has gone to one of the more primitive worlds in D268 to "retire." He has begun to use his psionics to brainwash local tribesmen to form a cult of personality around him; or even a religion with him as a godhead. Communications from the Consulate to him have been responded to with bizarre, cryptic answers that indicate he is insane.

The PCs need a mission. And for their sins, they have been given one. Terminate, with extreme prejudice.

Excellent ideas, although I'm trying not to read them too closely as I don't want to nick your ideas for something that might ultimately get published!

"The horror... the horror..."

