Evening Timothy for the Pacific Northwest,


Your welcome with the amount of help I've been getting the least I can do is try to help. Looking at travellermap.com District 268 has a number of parties, like the Sword Worlds, planting agents all over the place.


Have a good one.


Tom R

From: "Timothy Collinson" <timothy.collinson@port.ac.uk>
To: tml@simplelists.com
Sent: Friday, July 4, 2014 3:55:08 PM
Subject: Re: [TML] Zhodani in District 268

On 4 Jul 2014, at 23:34, "tmr0195@comcast.net" <tmr0195@comcast.net> wrote:

Hello Timothy Collinson,

Hi there


I'm guessing from the material presented in CT AM 3 Vargr and CTAM 4 Zhodani

I dug the latter out as well as Alien Realms, but not the Vargr book so thanks for the tip.

that there is a good chance that some of the non-aligned systems in District 268 have encountered both Vargr and Zhodani earlier than with the Third Imperium.

That would be my guess too.


As another guess some of the non-aligned worlds closest to the Zhodani probably don't care what the Third Imperium has to say about the Zhodani if they can trade with them. Others will probably welcome the Zhodani and ask for their help.

That's kind of what I was going to assume, but perhaps not make it immediately obvious what world has what viewpoint before a Zho trade ship jumps in.  I'd guess the situation would be in a relative state of flux so their equivalent of library data might not be quite accurate.

Some worlds will follow the Third Imperium's lead and the most advanced and/or richest probably have limited access to psi helmets.

Good thought.  Tie availability to TL (and maybe law level).


Other than that the field is wide open.

Great!  I certainly don't mind that, just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something 'everyone knows'!



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