On Sat, 6 Mar 2021, 01:26 David Jaques-Watson, <xxxxxx@pcug.org.au> wrote:
Dear Folks –

Timothy wrote:
> Hi there,
>I was reading this:

I just love the fact that one of my favourite SF authors, Bob Shaw, was
given a shout-out as the first in the list.

I have a book of his on writing SF but I don't actually have much by him sadly.  I should rectify that.  I do recall a short story about slow glass.  (Because I think he unpicks it in said book).

I even have the _Imagine_ issue when the Sarafand was given the Traveller
treatment. Deckplans and all.

Ooooh yes, I have that issue as well.  I'm ashamed to say, however, that I don't think  it ever made me go back to the original.  I'll see if I can fix that this weekend.

Ok, so lete get this straight, on small question now has me:
- rereading a lengthy review of Imperium (and comments)
- wanting to get Imperium out of the attic to revisit
- reading Yet Another Tor Article (tm) and its comments *and* wanting to read the novels mentioned
- picking up my Bob Shaw writing book (which will also take me to all my other writing books shelf and the temptations therein)
- digging out the Sarafand article
- hunting down Shaw's original for that
- exploring other Bob Shaw books I could try

Arrrrgh!  And there was me thinking I only had a couple of Traveller jobs to do today:
- promote newly published Merry Widow by Megan Robertson
- finish indexing [redacted] - a sort of exciting project for next weekend
- tidy up WWWtS? article for Jeff (including reviewing what's changed in the original files as I've just seen they've been updated!!)

(Not to mention someone's recent tweet had me digging Mindjammer Traveller off the shelf to get lost in.)

Maybe it's a good job TravCon *isn't* happening right now.  :-(
