On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 at 11:17, Alex Goodwin <xxxxxx@multitel.com.au> wrote:
Upon emergence at Terra's 100D and boosting in, they heard Phoenix
Orbital was congested, with a current 20 hour estimated wait.

This does make me think maybe I'm too generous with the March Harrier's docking slots.  Not that they go anywhere quite as important as Terra. 

Do you use rules for that wait time?

Joe: "In other news, water is wet and this is a day ending in y."


The spec cargo that Nikki had palmed off cleared 3492 kilosolars, of
which 210k went straight onto the mortgage after Old Joe pointed out
they were two months behind.

This also makes me think...

... maybe the solution to players' lack of interest in trading - despite being merchants!! - isn't to attempt to keep track of cargoes myself in a helpful sort of way but simply to track time and costs - i.e. increasing debt.  Hmmmm, I think I've been missing a trick...
