here's something I picked up from todays 'Defense Industry Daily' email;

"The Pentagon’s Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E) latest assessment of the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) and Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) installed on USS Gerald R. Ford remains pessimistic, Bloomberg reports. Robert Behler assessment covers 3,975 launches and landing operations that ran from November 2019 through September 2020. In his report, Behler said the EMALS was failing after 181 launches. It was required to work for 4,166 launches before failure. The worst was when it broke down for three days on two occasions in 2020. Behler also found fault with the AAG, it was working for an average of 48 traps before failing."

Looks like the USN has one less operable CVN!
