On 19Dec2020 1944, Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at yahoo.com (via tml
list) wrote:
> Except that we're talking about the TU, where TL15 is not uncommon.
> It might be that a higher TL is needed for discovery but not for
> production.
> In any case a TL6 world in the TU & combat thereupon will have little
> relevance to the combat situation on a totally isolated TL9 planet.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It does, however, have relevance to combat within the Traveller
universe, which does not reflect the awesomeness of cloth (in MT - it's
not nearly so good in CT or TNE, for example).
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Of course, & in the TU, wherever it appears, no doubt an instant 'demand' will also appear for the weapons necessary to defeat it.
'Mercantilism' in full bloom!