After the thousands of years that've gone by 'tween RL-now & the TU, I just gotta' figure that there's been something or other that's been invented.

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, 08:31:42 PM MST, Kurt Feltenberger <> wrote:

I was wondering if there is any sort of materials or coatings that would
allow a permanent presence within a corrosive atmosphere?  I'm working
on something where two planets orbit a common barycenter while orbiting
the star; one is Earth-like while the other is somewhat like Venus.  The
protagonists have established a combination secret lab/listening
post/base on the planet with the corrosive atmosphere and I was
wondering if there was anything in "real world" science that would allow
this or whether I'd have to exercise a bit of plot science.


Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not living enough." - Me

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