If it has a shower, it has a laundry :)
Let's roll some more:
- A set of bagpipes in pristine condition (no instructions as to how to play them)
- An 'Imperium's Most Wanted' card deck (the 1120 versions would vary by location)....
- A Marine Cutlass with Imperial Guard trappings (looks valuable, is actually a high quality movie prop)
- A 3 ton hydraulic jack (Is the jack sound? 1 on a D6 while under load means the seal gives and the load settles on top of the jack)
- A stole (wrap) that appears suspiciously like it is made of Vargr fur (it is synthetic, but it has been dosed with Vargr scent)
- A large durasteel chest with a very high quality lock (nobody knows what is in it or how to open it and it is very hard to crack with Intrusion or brute force)
- A flak vest that has a hole in the upper left chest portion (about a 10mm size)
- A small paperback version of the Solomani Manifesto, with cryptic marginal scribbles
- A bound research paper "A longitudinal study of the increased risk of injury and death for left-handed sophonts"... and it is bound for a left handed reader
- A framed, preserved poster of Zid Rachelle
- A small gold(!) cylinder with a fine parchment with an Imperial Seal on it... the seal has cracked with age.... Appears to be an Imperial Warrant... "The Bearer of this warrant has and will do that which must be done. You are to aid him in anyway required. - Cleon Zhunastu" (not real, but it looks pretty good)
- A glass biohazard storage container with several warning stickers and the text "Danger: Virulent Plague"... and upon close inspection, you see a hairline crack...
- A laser welder and powerpack.... but no cables or electrodes
- A how-to book on Vargr Infighting by Gaarvaz the Marauder
- A first aid kit that's about half full and still has what appears to be dried blood on the outside of the hard case
- A prayer mat (or maybe it's a yoga mat? or maybe its a door mat?) - colour is a lovely brown with hints of darker brown
- Manual X-3791-41/B-14995-v153 : The Hostile Environment Vacc Suit - Repair and Maintenance (the overview diagram is missing but everything else is there)
- A recording of subsector's worth of filk tunes
- A set of makeup kit, a red nose, a coverall in many different patterns, and some shoes that look to be about size 15 (Terran standard) and are bright red and a bright green frizzy hair wig
- A small book featuring a glyph with a set of dividers and a square titled "Book of the Work, 951 edition' that appears to be related to some esoteric fraternity
- A plastic dispenser with the head of Strephon Alkhalikoi which, when opened, disgorges compressed sugar pellets (Pez!)
- A portable 6" circular cutter with a metal cutting blade with the safety guard removed and the cutter has some notches on the disk (but it will still cut)
- A titanium trident, 6' tall
- A lamp that has a heating element in its base that causes heated oils to float up the column of the lamp giving and interesting bubble stream. When it cools down, they settle back down. (Lava lamp)
- A strange galley tool... when you depress the large pushbutton on the top, a wavy blade of exceptional sharpness drives out of the opposite side (Slap Chop)