Tools and parts for projects conceived, but never having the time or complete logistics to complete.Spare stores for the disaster one might have - air, food, water, ration bars, batteries, etc. (a touch of 'Prepper'). I guess if I was USAian, I would have thought immediately of ammo. And if I wore a Brown Coat and a Cunning Hat, I'd add grenades (because I like to keep my options open).Runs of Tri-D series I got to see a few episodes of when I was younger, but never got to see all of and want to watch all the way through to get the whole story and because of the nostalgia.Books. On every subject. And then more books. Tangible books. History. Languages. Software. Politics. Philosophy. Design. Architecture. Woodworking. Survival. Butchery. Cooking of all sorts. Baking. Distilling. Log Houses. Fantasy World Building. Papercrafts. Model building and resin casting. Surgery.Things that I didn't throw out because even though I didn't know on what, I knew they could be used in a later project to build something and I am green enough not to want to waste salvagable materials - metal tubing, metal pipe, metal plate, lumber, chunks of marble, plastic moulds, plywood, insulation sheets, etc. In a ship context, spare hull panel pieces, spare insulation leftovers, spare wiring from runs that were only partly damaged, spare components like switches and suchlike, power supplies for devices that have died, every form of memory card back to TL-8....
TomBOn Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 8:54 AM Jeff Zeitlin <> wrote:Back in 2008, I ran a mini-contest for the Ship's Locker. It ended up on a
page whose introduction ran as follows:
>Ship's Locker
>The Ship's Locker is a part of every starship in every version of
>Traveller, but it's never quite been defined exactly what it is or why.
>We define it as follows:
>The Ship's Locker is the storage area that just ... collects stuff. Stuff
>that a crew member thinks might be useful. Someday. Maybe. Stuff that
>nobody can think of a use for, but which can't be totally useless. Stuff
>that nobody quite remembers what they were thinking when they bought it.
>Stuff that used to be useful, but is broken now, and was just tossed in the
>Locker until someone remembers to clean the Locker out and toss out all
>that junk. Stuff.
>Note: The really, definitely useful stuff that's kept properly stocked for
>repairs and maintenance is kept in other lockers - the engineering locker,
>the avionics locker, the EVA locker, the bridge locker, and so on. Those
>lockers might collect stuff, too, but not as much, and not nearly as
>eclectic a collection. The Ship's Locker is for all the rest of the stuff.
Given that, I'm going to paraphrase a credit-card ad that's running in the
"What's in _your_ locker?"
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