I saw that reference to Stardrive but I'm kind of assuming without looking now that this is an elder/obscure product as I've never even heard of that. :0(
Thanks for looking. I really ought to write one for Jeff for MT. I notice the Nautical Force does not appear in MgT (at least from my glance through the career choices). Just shows you the Airforce was more interesting to the designers... yet submarines particularly could be very effective as mobile planetary defense.
As to the convention:
Submitted my brief.
Working on the characters.
A tree of differing encounters by locale underway.
Somewhat of a reference website, but I'm going to do a little two sided page cheat sheet for the PCs of most useful stuff.
Looks like it'll be 19:00 CST (GMT -6) on the 17th.
Making sure I have enough options for the players while still having a bit of a story arc (it is a convention game).
Need to go spelunking for my collection of ship deckplans and other encounter locations.
Tech about 90% covered (need to consult with players re: Google Meetup vs. Skype).
Looking for 3-6 players.
Rules set: CT/MT/MgT ish (task system, simplified starship combat to serve the story)
Themes: Bad situations, running for your life, looking for a new start but to get there, you have to cross warped spacetime in a rift and run through planets run by the Solidus Syndicate (ATU), choices that have trade offs, some encounters could allow players to be heroes or crooks along the way to their end goal
Encounters: Mix of space combat, personal encounters, negotiations, maybe some subterfuge/deception, chases, maybe hiding, and combat. Possibly some trading, forgery, bribery, and role playing of identified character strengths and flaws
Thematically influenced by: Games with a bit of 'otherness' in their jump space, fugitive movies, Firefly/Serenity, Han Solo/Lando Calrissian, the Expanse, chase movies, Mos Eisley and Nal Hutta, and movies where seemingly low risk bad choices can inexorably take characters down dark chains of events