1.Barrel Length: The length of the barrel is a function of tech level and muzzle velocity. Higher velocities require longer barrels to provide the necessary acceleration, while advances in technology allow higher acceleration in shorter distances (thus allowing shorter barrels). Barrel length is determined using the following formula:
Lb = V+100TLm
Lb: Length of barrel in centimeters.
V: Muzzle velocity in meters per second. (Step 1)
TLm: Tech level multiplier, as shown in the next column:
10 1.6
11 1.3
12 1.0
13 0.8
14 0.6
16+ 0.4
So, notice they say that higher velocities require longer barrels (for a given TL) and advancing TL allow higher acceleration in shorter velocities.
So if I wanted to have 1600 m/s as my muzzle velocity, at TL 10. So my barrel length according to this calculation is:
Lb(cm) = 1600 / (100 * 1.6) = 1600/160 = 10 cm
Let's try to up the velocity to 3200 m/s.
Lb(cm) = 20 cm
So let's look at TL 12 then which should need shorter barrel lengths
1600 m/s.
Lb(cm) = 1600 / (100 * 1.0) = 1600 / 100 = 16 cm
3100 m/s
Lb(cm) = 3200 / (100 * 1.0) = 32 cm.
No errata in as of
CONSOLIDATED TNEERRATA, v0.02(09/19/09) for TNE.
a) Is there a newer TNE errata?
b) if not, I suggest one of two changes to the equation on page 102
Lb(cm) = (V / 100) * TLm
So, TL-10, 1600 m/s:
Lb(cm) = (1600/100) * 1.6 = 16 * 1.6 = 25.6 cm (10")
TL-10, 3200 m/s
Lb(cm) = (3200/100) * 1.6 = 51.2 cm (18")
At TL-12, 1600 m/s:
Lb(cm) = (1600/100) * 1.0 = 16 cm (6")
At TL-12, 3200 m/s:
Lb(cm) = (3200/100) * 1.0 = 32 cm (11")
TL-14, 1200 m/s:
Lb(cm) = (1600/100) * 0.6 = 9.6 cm (4") - this one is a pistol when it used to be a carbine at TL-10
TL-14, 3200
Lb(cm)= (3200/100 * 0.6 = 19.2 cm (8") this is a carbine when it used to be an AR.
At TL-14, 5000 m/s:
Lb(cm) = (5000/100) * 0.6 = 30 cm (12")
Those all seem more manageable values and they get shorter with higher tech level for the same energy.
“The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law.”