Could be FASA stuff or from an early fanzine like High Passage. I know I remember Port Authority Handbook articles (Inward Clearance was the subject of one).

On Thu, Sep 17, 2020, 13:04 Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson at (via tml list), <> wrote:

Kaladorn wrote:
>Wasn't all the articles in the original JTAS under the naming of "Port Authority Handbook"? If not, it may be in the various FASA products... I recall seeing headers that said "Port Authority Handbook" on articles.

The only think I can think of in JTAS that might be what you're remembering is Skyport Authority by John Ford but that's an SPA char gen and not in the Kaufman book (which now I look again does have some images from White Dwarf's article Happy Landings as well as Jeff Zeitlin having a credit so he may know).  (My earliest file dates from 2012 and a couple of other internal clues suggest it's earlier than that).

On Thu, 17 Sep 2020 at 17:29, <> wrote:
A thought:

You know, Tim, if there was a way to put the TB into some form that was more than text (like some sort of DB or the like), then Jeff might even be able to generate an output from his FT to act as an input to the Bio (to aide in automation). Maybe a bit of work to setup, but might be an interesting long term approach to support some automation.

I have thought about a database version - from Access to Excel.  It would certainly make renumbering things and an index easier when it gets to that stage.  It would also let me have fields that didn't get published.  I really should do it.  One problem has always been producing acceptably good looking output from any such database without, effectively, doing the work again (or at least quite a lot of 'design' or tidying work).  Of course, that's largely down to my inability in such things.

But I whimper at the amount of work it would require to shift everything over.

On the other hand, it would appear that I have no 'master' Word doc of the bib as Andy did some work on it after I sent him my final copy.  So between that and all the correction post-its I have sticking out of my printed version, perhaps the 4th edition would be better done like that.  <slips off into a corner and cries>


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