I agree with you Tom.

Even if it's 'RED' now, what is actually present there could be vitally important esp in case of a misjump or some other emergency situation.

My take is that while an 'X' is technically correct for an 'interdicted' world it is not *exclusive*.
IOW, an 'X' could actually mean 'Nothing'.

I think it would be appropriate to add a comment indicating just what the 'X' means.


On Wednesday, September 16, 2020, 02:44:28 PM MST, Thomas RUX <xxxxxx@comcast.net> wrote:

The discussion I believe concluded that a majority believed that the X designation should be applied to ports in a Red Travel Zone.

I disagree with the change may in CT LBB 6 and then carried over to MT Referee's manual and TNE Core Rulebook since a system could have been a green or amber zone with a Type A starport and due to events the system's travel status has be changed to red. The system's starport is still type A but no one can utilize its facilities.