If you can get a hand on them, and you want to read about a series with an emperor, his special ops teams, and several major missions and campaigns, I recommend the 'Sten' series by Chris Bunch and Alan Cole. Sadly, Alan passed away a fair while back. This series is (brain... guessing....) 7 books? It has a heavy worlder in it who lives on a high gravity Scottish sort of planet (the Laird of Kilgour).

I'm just figuring if Timothy is being snowed under, what's a few more boulders? ;0)


You'll never find them, but there were 3 omnibus versions (1-3, 4-6, 7-8): https://www.amazon.com/Death-Match-Omnibus-Numbers-Bunch/dp/B00CB5I88I/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=chris+bunch+and+alan+cole&qid=1600217036&sr=8-4

First one on Kindle.

Note that the series spawned a cookbook (one of the characters made some great meals - I think Cole was a trained chef as well as maybe having worked for the CIA....).

On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 6:56 PM Thomas RUX <xxxxxx@comcast.net> wrote:
Hi Timothy,
On 09/15/2020 2:13 PM Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson at port.ac.uk (via tml list) <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:

On Tue, 15 Sep 2020 at 20:54, Thomas RUX < xxxxxx@comcast.net> wrote:
Hello Timothy,

In the four book series The Last Legion by Chris Bunch the human Confederation collapses and the military force assigned to a frontier planet have to overcome a number of events before they send a covert operation to find out what has happened. When they approach the capital they have to overcome automated defenses.

The series titles are: The Last Legion, Firemask, Storm Force, and Homefall.

OK, thanks for that.

You realize of course that JUST the suggestions TMLers give me for book reading make for a list as long as my arm (I know, I've measured).  Add the other reading I have suggested to me I just start to whimper.  :-)

But thank you.  Sounds fun to give it a go.

Though now I think about it there was also an adventure I played in at TravCon where I think it was Nigel Fisher who ran a game where we had to overcome automated defenses of a planet to explore planet.

under Memory Loss and Memory Capture.  The game was called Loves Labours Lost and at the risk of spoiling it IIRC (I don't write the detail in the write-up) the two opposing AIs of an old war have fallen in love with each other but don't know how to give up the fighting they're programmed to do.  I thought it a nice idea and being a Darrian scientist in the middle of this was great fun.
Your welcome for the addition to your reading list of course since I've no idea on how long my reading list is between books and gaming material.

The adventure reminds of two books about two similar AI computers, unfortunately I cannot recall the titles and the books are in my time out house.

Tom Rux

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