Hi Timothy,


Exactly ;)


Or rather following their existing programming which might mean that they see the innocent merchant as a threat … ;)


I should have listed their non-combat duration as well as their combat duration.


The Sadarah's non-combat duration, i.e. with everything powered accept the Beam Lasers is 4510 hours (or 180 days). For each hour of combat (i.e. with fully functioning Beam Lasers and agility) you lose 94 hours of non-combat duration.


The Arrayda’s non-combat duration, i.e. with everything powered accept The missiles is 3247 hours (or 135 days). For each hour of combat (i.e. with fully functioning missiles and agility) you lose 67 hours of non-combat duration.


So in non-combat, the Sadarah's Only have to skim twice a year (or so) to stay on station. And the Arrayda’s Only three times a year (or so).


You might want to make it easier on the merchantman by using Arrayda’s with their last battery round of ammo …


Or you might want to limit the number of Sadarah's or Arrayda’s that are still flying. Any hit on them will cause a critical which will likely disable them. They only critical hit that won’t put them out of action would be “sensors disabled” and if you had more than one and they still had comms with the others they would still be combat effective in a combined battery. “powerplant disabled” would mean that they would have to continually user their fusion rocket to provide power, but when they ran out of fuel they would be down and out. The Sadarah's wouldn’t be combat effective but still flying. The Arrayda’s would still be combat effective, but would lose agility.


Could be the site of a confrontation in some way in the past in some out of the way system that no-one goes to. A squadron of Arrayda’s and a couple of SBDs were attacked by some Fleet Escort on patrol the result of which are three dead starships (2x SDB and the Fleet Escort) and 20 odd dead small craft (11 Arrayda’s and a ship’s boat/fighter from the Escort or three) leaving only one Arrayda’s still active guarding the place.


Keep one of the ships (I’d go for the Fleet Escort) one small craft, and a couple of the Arrayda’s in stable if strange orbits for the PCs to explore/salvage parts from to repair any battle damage and also find something pertinent to some long running underlying political plot the PCs can get embroiled in. Salvaging the Arrayda’s or the small craft could then pay for the repairs at the shipyard when the PCs get their ship back to one, and they might give them access to some turrets they could salvage to up-gun their ship etc etc.


Best regards,




From: xxxxxx@simplelists.com <xxxxxx@simplelists.com>
Sent: 15 September 2020 09:02
To: Tml <xxxxxx@simplelists.com>
Subject: Re: [TML] TL 10 Sadarah Class 10 ton Autonomous Fighter




On Mon, 14 Sep 2020 at 19:25, <xxxxxx@quibell.org.uk> wrote:

Adding ships to MTU … this time TL 10 Autonomous Fighters. Drop them around a Gass Giant and let them get on with the job …


I haven’t playtested them in combat yet, but they should be ok.


Sadarah Class Autonomous Fighter

Designed by Ewan Quibell

Ewan Quibell 2020-09-12

Updated 2020-09-14


why do I now have visions of <some many many years later> innocent merchant tries to refuel and is set upon by SCAFs gone feral in the absence of their mainworld's supervision due to collapse of some kind...



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