On Fri, 4 Sep 2020 at 14:12, Jeffrey Schwartz <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
The story I saw was:

0 No government structure. -- very small group of people, scouts,
prospectors, etc trying to figure out if the world is worth anything
1 Company/Corporation.--- they found something, and the company comes
in to exploit it.
2 Participating Democracy. -- enough non-company employees that they
need frontier-town style town hall government
3 Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy. -- and the Political machine comes in.
Certain people got elected, and set things up to make sure who took
over for them
4 Representative Democracy. -- until the people got fed up with it and
wanted reforms
5 Feudal Technocracy. --- but they elected by face and personality,
not competence. People who actually know how to solve problems take
6 Captive Government. -- until some other world noticed the place was
profitable and had good resources, and bought the technocrats out.
7 Balkanization. -- and then the people got fed up with that, and
fought among themselves
8 Civil Service Bureaucracy. -- Until a group of people negotiated
contracts and deals between the warring states, so they could at least
trade between factions on planet
9 Impersonal Bureaucracy. -- and then the people handling the
paperwork decided they were more important than the people who were
doing the real work
A Charismatic Dictator.-- and the people doing the real work found
someone to follow
B Non-Charismatic Leader -- but when he died, his son took over... and
he was an idiot.
C Charismatic Oligarchy. -- so the friends of the guy from "A" took over
D Religious Dictatorship. --- and one of them had an epiphany

I really really like this storyfied version of the Gov code.  Makes sense in world and out!

