I'm working on some entries for the Traveller Wiki for the Vanguard Reaches (published for CT by Paranoia Press).
I've been looking at the page for Langemarck itself, one of the few world pages in the Langemarck Coalition that was already existent and in the list of sources there is mention of an online update to the Vanguard Reaches (and possibly other Paranoia Press material), date identified as 1991, and authored by Chuck Kallenbach who wrote these supplements I believe.
Where online these existed, unclear. Anyone with a long memory and a deep repository of past data have a copy of these updates?
I see on the Traveller Wiki that the legend they use marks the base at Langemark as a Naval Base (non-Imperial) but the code recorded on the page is a K which
https://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Base_Code appears not to align with (its not a K'Kree base... I think it should be F or a J) and the base on the map appears to be noted in the TravellerMap legend as 'independent base' which seems like it would have base code F (perhaps a Langemarck Army base?).