On Thu, 13 Aug 2020 at 08:19, <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
But as we've already recognized, CT has at least one boundary that is significant (the NoTU to the original OTU)... I have seen quite a difference as to what the universe looks like to those who started playing without any real description of the Imperium, then those who got the earliest supplements or articles and then built their understanding there (and pasted in lots to fill the gaps), and then those who were later CT joiners where there was a lot of the OTU laid out in many products.

So CT, by itself, has at least 2, and possibly 3, differing understandings of what the TU was and is.... for many are  happy with where they entered and didn't like subsequent filling in...

I would also be really interested in - and keep thinking I might possibly run at TravCon - an "OTU" (or CT if you like) that was *much* more based on Dumarest than what we generally think of as OTU now.  Very separate worlds, travel quite unusual, very little shared culture.

Of course, it would help if I could get on with reading the series... not sure where I got to.  Perhaps it becomes more "what we know" in later books.


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