On August 10, 2020, at 02:53, "Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at yahoo.com (via tml list)" <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:
>You know, this just occurred to me;
>Are there any rules &/or regulations governing the Merchant Marine here in the USA, or anywhere else?
>Does anyone know how that's handled on civilian ships?
>(Well I guess we all DO know how 'cruise lines' handle it for passengers bu what about the crew?)
Well, to be in command you need pass a certain number of tests to be considered a licensed officer. Though the Master or captain may not be a licensed officer. Generally you come out of the maritime academy rating to pass a 3rd or 4th tests. Note the licenced officers are the core navigation operations, each standing a specific watch every day at work, The chief Engineer is also generally a licenced officer but not in line of command.
As for specific rules generally they are set by owner and nation the ship is flagged under to form the ship's articles.I
The rest of the crew are seamen or engineers.
That is the simplest explanation.
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