Thanks for the info Tom, it's very interesting.

I guess the changes happened after you retired as, w/i the last 15 years, I've watched two PBS documentaries filmed aboard 'Ohio' class boomers (one was actually repurposed into a special-ops SSN with a buttload of 'Tomahawk' cruise missiles in the silos & a SEAL team module attached to a deck hatch). 
Both had Capt's in command. 
Also, w/i the last decade, the local TV news & also the local paper, had multi-coverage of a 'LA' class attack sub which was commanded by a full Cmdr.


On Friday, July 31, 2020, 06:20:16 AM MST, Thomas RUX <> wrote:

Morning from WA Phil,
On 07/31/2020 3:22 AM Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at (via tml list) <> wrote:

There might be relation ship to the rank of the commanding officer aboard USN ships.

During WWII, a LtCmdr would command subs & escorts, while a Cmdr would command destroyers & a Capt the rest.
Hence LtCmdr was a 'commander'.

Since then, I believe that the minimum ranks have been raised (Tom Rux?) as I believe that for attack subs it's now a Cmdr while the 'boomers' have a Capt.
I served between 1975 and 1995 one the three boomer two where Lt. Cmdr. with one being promoted to Cmdr. while I was onboard. The third boomer was a Cmdr when I came onboard then promoted to Capt. being transferred off the boat prior to the next patrol cycle. The skipper of the fast boat was a commander. The CO from my third was the CO of the tender when it deployed to the Med.

Tom Rux

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