On Sun, 26 Jul 2020 08:49:48 +0000 (UTC), "Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at
yahoo.com (via tml list)" <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote to Freelance
>And then you have the civil-service type institutions where the employees
>jobs are 'protected' to varying degrees.That;s where I worked for decades &
>that's where you get the practice of just assigning the employees who used
>to service the legacy system/software to servicing the new
>system/software.With varying degrees of success or failure.
And that's where I work now; I've never made any effort to conceal that I
"geek computers for the NYPD". But it's not _just_ Civil Service; I know
people who work for certain large companies, and even though said company
misspelled its name to indicate the number of new ideas they wanted to get
from their people, the corporate mentality - and the "IT Guy As Perfect
Generalist" attitude - is taking over there, too.
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