Last I knew, that was true (the alcohol ban). That's why whenever our destroyers were doing missions as part of a joint task force with the USN, the Admiral and his staff would debark the flagship and come to the Canadian Destroyer for mess dinners... because our ships aren't dry.

One time, my godson's dad (RCN Lieutenant Commander) pointed out a hilarity: Two pop machines for 355mm cans (standard coke can for you USAians) - one with pop which was $0.80 CAD at the time, and the other had beer at $0.50 CAD at the time. "The Canadian Navy does not encourage alcoholism..."  (You were NOT allowed to drink on duty nor to drink within 4 hours of duty and if you were found to be intoxicated, it went VERY badly for you... so it was respected not abused...)

I was Army and they still had a notion from our British antecedents about the 'rum ration'. Though, I never did see it in the field despite the tradition existing.


On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 4:43 AM Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at (via tml list) <> wrote:
The USAF's KC-135 was a militarized early model Boeing 707.

Also, not sure about currently but last I heard the USN had banned alcohol aboard  ships way back in the 'Prohibition' days & never lifted that ban.


On Thursday, July 16, 2020, 05:33:54 PM MST, <> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 8:11 AM Alex Goodwin <> wrote:

> I can't see myself ever getting to run the Naval Adventures as is (not
> for lack of interest) but I could imagine a bit of fun for, say, an
> ordinary trader crew caught out for some reason in a system where
> there's no other options (or, say, a misJump into an empty hex) having
> to ask for (or being offered?) support from a Navy UNREP vessel.  And
> perhaps making a right bodge of it because they don't know the procedures.

Another situation: Fuel leak or accidental internal fire/explosion reducing fuel supplies (or having to vent for some reason). Combat damage could leave you in the outer fuel without enough fuel to jump or to fly back home (before LS runs out).

Rescue ships could be something like a 400-600 ton tanker with a J-0.5 (for in-system fast hops) and a decent accel (3G?) plus lots of fuel tankage and UNREP gear. Probably throw in a slightly enlarged paramed bay and some emergency low berths in case their are injuries.

Also, some navies are not the RCN or USN. As an airplane version - Canada did not have the big fuelers the US and RAF have. We did have a conversion for a 707 did the job (much smaller though). So, smaller system or subsector reserve squadrons could well have a) smaller military ships and b) smaller fuelers.

My fellow newbie Trav GM, by the quoted RAW it would seem so - only one
of the vessels involved has to be so equipped.  Might be fewer bangers
and more mash involved when resupplying a civilian ship while underway,

Maybe and maybe when you want to stay on the good side of the local Navy or SAR folks, part of your counter transfer is a few crates of carefully hoarded treats and (depending on Navy) wine or liquor for the Wardrooms. Then maybe things would go smoother.

A civvy-to-civvy application could be in belt mining  (That's it, you're
getting blame^H^H^H^H^Hcredit in the next Parental Advisory game - the
Collinson system).  Captain Agro Vation skippers the _Ping Pong Balls
With Texta Colour_ mining support ship, which flies around to active
miners, delivering life support and mining supplies, removing life
support wastes, processing mined ore, etc (all for a fee and markup,
naturlich) - all that transfer would require either a mutant UNREP
system or docking.  That way the miners can stay on station longer, no
one off their mining ship has to smell the insides of said ship, etc.

That's actually dead brilliant. I'm surprised nobody has made one of these before. Letting outsystem miners stay on their claim would be a great benefit.

A far(?) future analogue (early 22nd century in my case) of the bloke in
a gold rush coming along _behind_ the miners and selling them kit, food,
supplies, etc.


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