Well, ideally a redone version would look more modern and have more of what's out there in both game design and technology.

I hadn't realized their boarding combat game failed. I'd have signed on, but the price was just too stiff.

There are a lot of decent miniatures companies that have or had 25mm figures that would do. Ground Zero Games 25mm UN Hardsuits are what I use for Imperial Marines and take a look at these guys http://www.denizenminiatures.co.uk/25mm_new/sf_gallery.htm..... have a good look at what they resemble....

I'd mostly just need a new rulebook. I've got enough 25mm minis (over 1200 scifi ones with about 60-90 vehicles... depends if you count not yet built ones) to do any reasonable TL 6-10 battles.

On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 10:52 AM Ethan McKinney <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
Given the failure of the Traveller boarding combat miniatures game, I wouldn't hold my breath.

Besides, I'd want rules that I didn't have to rewrite to make work.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2020, 23:29 <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
Maybe they'll do a new striker with some minis for Mongoose.

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