Indeed, the whole point of this thread started from the question of what sort of temperatures and pressures would we be dealing with if a world had liquid methane oceans. In the viewpoint you describe, the actual material shouldn't be described at all aside from noting that it is not water as describing it as methane means that the behavior should fit within our experimental observation of methane and understanding of thermodynamic properties and implications for pressure and temperatures of the environment, which might run counter to some of the other randomly determined properties of the world.

On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 9:53 PM Rupert Boleyn <> wrote:
I've decided that simply making up what a world's atmosphere, climate,
etc. are like and adding some vague babble that doesn't seem completely
silly (so, make sure a hot world isn't way at the cold edge of the life
zone, etc.) is good enough. Then describe the things that are game
relevant and get on with the game.