Yes, that was the good part.
On the other hand, if you wanted to do a misjump or a cold sleep in the ship into TNE, you had what was a TL-15 ships and I don't think TNE ever made ship sheets for those, did they (for Brilliant Lances)?
Really, a product like this ought to have an official online build tool. With that, the community could crank out a lot of designs fairly quickly (and the tool could do calcs of the number of standard deck plans squares the gear occupies - a la Ships for Windows III from Hugh Foster which does that).
Then you'd hook that to a small database on said same online portal and when you finish a design on it, you can choose to save it and make it available to the community. The first set would be the old standbys, in various configs, then people could open it up... we all know there have to be boat loads (no pun intended) of designs that aren't currently represented.
I do like the design of non-streamlined spine + cargo modules (containers with stuff, containers with fluids or gases which could be tanks, and so on). That's a fairly efficient way to move stuff from one spot to another.
And for places like the core or other busy trade ports, having everything containerized from the get go would get you in and out of the port much faster with a cheaper fee (because the ports stevedore-bots could just detach your standard pods, scan the routing codes, etc. and get them moving to their destination - even if it is just warehousing until sold or transshipped.)
There should be standard storage containers in sized that optimally would fit in standard bay designs. I know ship designers like a blank canvas, but if you've noticed, cargo ships, barges, the gear for unloading cargo ships, tractor trailers, and even forklifts and trains all work to some similar standards. I can totally see that in the OTU's busier areas. It would *so* speed up goods handling.
Of course, so would pre-clearance at the departure point by customs of the arrival point.
Aw... it's too easy to get off on interesting lines of thought about what could be created...