On Sat, 6 Jun 2020, 18:04 , <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

BD is an affliction and there are, over here, what they'd call some '12 step program' to deal with BD. You can get help. You can have your life back.


Noooo!  You'll never it take it from me....

I used to love MLA and despise APA but APA has gotten less stuffy and awkward over the generations (from my view, but that's just from comparing memories to my recent browse through APA7).

Well I whimper at the enquiry desk (or currently, the online chat) if I get a law student who wants help with Oscola.  

BD -> Bibliography Dependence (Note: Definitely NOT a made up condition created to sell a pharmacological solution.... but maybe I should market a sugar pill or something.... and make some broad and unsubstantiated claims of medical efficacy.... or maybe write my own study results (the data will fit the hypothesis better that way)....)


It sounds pretty much like what I get with to CFS.

Many still regard it as all in my head.  I can tell you its !$@#% not in my head.

So you'd be in good company 
