In the TU it all probably would be grown & raised "down there" somewhere, underneath everything else.
Just like it would on an O'Neill/L5 Society space habitat.

On Sunday, May 3, 2020, 02:12:23 PM MST, Timothy Collinson - timothy. collinson at port. ac. uk <> wrote:

Oh dear

I'm afraid I have  no means of helping with the numbers, but please rest assured you're not alone in being interested in the answer. :-)

(Though if you made me guess we don't have the data to work it out properly.)


On Sun, 3 May 2020, 18:30 Alex Goodwin, <> wrote:
Hello all,

I'm in the middle of taking Asimov's description of Trantor and trying
to Travellerise it.

Long story short, the food imports account for ~12 million dton/day of
cargo that needs to be shifted from orbit to groundside.

GURPS Traveller: Starports, p 63, mentions both beanstalks and catapults
as alternatives to shuttle service for transferring cargo, but doesn't
go much further.  I get the impression that both are substantially more
capital-intensive than shuttle service but substantially cheaper to run.

As I'm the type of obsessive wombat who wants to figure out how much it
_costs_ to import that food, does anyone have any ideas on how much such
an array of beanstalks would end up costing at GTL 11/12?  (TTL D-F, if
I've got it right).

Sure, for trivial amounts of cargo, shuttle service might work out
cheaper (although shuttle service will need ~3 million dton of shuttle
cargo volume, per GT:SP p64).  This is feeding a _planet_.


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