On Fri, 1 May 2020 at 02:06, Bruce Johnson <xxxxxx@pharmacy.arizona.edu> wrote:

On Apr 30, 2020, at 7:04 AM, Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson at port.ac.uk <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:

You say 'any' government.  Would be fascinating to have '0' in a place like this.
Place the size of New York "run" by: gangs?  guilds?  university faculty enforcers?


Oh that last could be a particularly vicious place 8-P

“Why are academic politics so vicious? Because the stakes are so low!”


Oxbridge as a orbital hab…

Vicious, as you say.  Reflecting on it, I guess if the place actually were run by such groupings it would technically be 'balkanized' rather than 'no government' but either way: interesting.

I can't help feeling, if my writing skills were up to it, this would be an ideal setting for a series of short stories something along the lines of Damon Runyon's wonderful _Guys and Dolls and Other Stories_ set in 1920s I think it is New York.  If you don't know these, I *highly* recommend them for humour, writing style and possibly Traveller NPCs if not scenarios.

If you don't know those stories, you may well have come across the style (present tense, fun slang and terrific 'characters') in Oliver Dickinson's Griselda stories in _White Dwarf_ which I believe were deliberate (and very good) imitations of Runyon.
