In one of the now-apocryphal license sectors (FarFarontiers?) there was a Ringworld, I believe, as well as, as I recall, I 'rosette' of planets.

Don't recall what the profile indicated.


On Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 06:43:33 AM MST, Timothy Collinson - timothy. collinson at port. ac. uk <> wrote:

Yes, I think the Grand Survey/World Builders' Handbook (and possibly Book 6: Scouts but I can't be bothered to cross the room and pluck the book off the shelf) is "S" for smaller than 1600km.

I quite like the idea of "X" for artificial though.  Although I immediately start to wonder how you represent really *big* artificial constructs that might ordinarily be size "8" say.  The Magrathean planet builders come to mind.


On Tue, 28 Apr 2020 at 13:47, Jeff Zeitlin <> wrote:
On Tue, 28 Apr 2020 07:35:12 -0400, wrote to Freelance

>So, I'm envisioning, like many of the systems we have found, a star with no
>planets. Now, you might say 'they're out there, but nobody goes there'.

>Well, yes but. But what?

>If I had a station that was in an orbit around the sun, it would have a lot
>of potential energy from the sun plus it might be able to do some good
>science (esp if the sun was doing something strange).

>What would I do for a UPP for a mainworld? No planet. How do I denote a
>station? UPP, you fail me!

If I wanted to be able to use extant software that doesn't really cover the
situation, I'd use size 0, reinterpret it to mean "main body less than
1600km diameter", and use any text notes to indicate that it's a station,
not a world or belt. If the software in question supported size S ('Small',
usually used for moons <1600km), I'd use that instead. If I was writing my
own software and wanted to make sure that I could handle it, I'd use size

>(You also fail to describe orbital habs, stations, etc)

Also size X, interpreted to mean "artificial body".

>Another failure... in the middle of Reft Sector, there's a big freaking
>rift. They built some caches and then stations so they could limp across
>the big rift. How do you represent a deep space no-star station like that?

>UPP Size 0 is Asteroids. That's not it.

If there's a natural body there, use the UWP as though it were a normal
system, but for stellar data, note "No star" or stellar class X0. If it's
just the artificial body, see above, and note "No star"/stellar class X0.

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