On 4/17/2020 7:26 AM, Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson at port.ac.uk (via tml list) wrote:
I quite agree!

It's why I came up with the Hampshire-class yacht for my Second Scions' Society adventure.

Forget the piddling little yachts you've seen, think more Downtown Abbey in space!  This could carry an owner and family plus 12 guests (with partner + 2 servants apiece) with room for 100 servants. 

I really ought to get this published... I just can't help feeling it would be better with Part III which I've not written yet.


I'd love to see it. 

One of the big issues is cost.  I look at real-world costs and even the cheapest jump capable ship is often grossly more expensive than a small luxury yacht.  And then when you get into larger shipping, say a good sized cruise ship that's designed for tier 1 luxury, you can buy one (not staff or maintain, but buy) for less than $250m.

Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not living enough." - Me