>So it would be difficult to read this without finding ideas galore to pinch
>for your refereeing or your next character. And if not, it's a pretty
>tightly plotted high octane novel to enjoy on the way.
So, write me a review for Critics' Corner/Off the Table! :)
well, I did think of that and as I posted this thought of you!
The snag is twofold:
- first there's any number of pretty decent reviews on the interwebs which I'm sure any of you could find and having looked at a few I didn't think there was much I could add
- secondly, in reviewing for someone else a list of all the Traveller things I have on the hob the other day (never mind the back burner) I realized I'm probably attempting far too much with current health levels, so as this wasn't *strictly* Traveller, I thought a brief billet-doux to the TML would be my best contribution without spending a fair bit more time on it
(you've seen how I can get carried away once I get the bit between my teeth) (for those puzzled by Jeff's very kind 'thank you' in the editorial of the latest issue of Freelance Traveller, you've missed the fact that also I sent him 3 critters and a diary-like raconteur's rest thing that totalled nigh on another 10,000 words on the theme...!) (this isn't a complaint, that's what editors are for when something is <rubbish/too long/doesn't fit/isn't right/too unbalancing/submitted too late/etcetcetc>)
But if I've not read three other books by next month that overshadow it, and I suddenly feel the urge, I'll keep it in mind.