On Mon, 6 Jan 2020 at 23:11, Steve Ellis <xxxxxx@hotmail.com> wrote:


Thanks TC- it was a pleasure to run it then (your game was the first run I believe,  and hadn’t been playtested before.).   I quite liked the  mock emergency your Emperor created   (in which supposed attackers had taken you hostage in the throne room) to test the reactions of your daughter and Dulinor (who was very eager to take the lead in ‘rescuing’ you).

oooh, I'd forgotten that.  It was one of my brighter ideas!  Thank you for reminding me.



I should mention to folks wondering “Where is the fun in this game? Don’t we know what happens?”   - I did a lot of research with the excellent Survival Margin (one of my favourite books for it’s sweep of history) and reading the 1248 Out of Darkness and the Rebellion books in figuring out what was going on to cause the Rebellion (since it isn’t just Great Men of History, but also inevitable social forces)  and figuring out where the real tensions lie – between interior and exterior sectors, traditionalism vs. Reform,  taxation, Psionic High Laws etc.  Nearly every character has a reason to co-operate, and a reason to conflict with every other character.  Folks have multiple motives and options for advancement – Dulinor isn’t forced to assassinate the Emperor – he has other options to get the reform he wants. The fascinating bit is how the players interact  and what emerges from their chaos- it never goes the same way twice.  Though I still chuckle at the memory of when Dulinor did roll snake eyes on his Gun roll- that was just poetic (and he could only really fail if he rolled a 2, 3 or 4 on 2d6).


I do remember running it for some non-Trav gamers at Furnace in Sheffield – the Emperor managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory- he had managed to marry Dulinor off to Iphigenia, send Norris packing, but a last minute moment of paranoia had him order the sabotage of the couples wedding shuttle – but their security saved them in time (it came down to a dice roll) and they led the Rebellion against him instead.

Yeah, I'll bet even knowing what I know I could royally foul it up were I to play Strephon again...


now onto Freelance which I see has been posted...!
