Sorry for the delay...
Dear Folks –
Joshua kindly replied:
>Yes, using ? in UWPs and PBGs for unknown stats is supported. If
size/atm/hyd are ??? you'll get the * glyph.
I’m obviously doing something wrong. I’ve entered three versions (to see if
any of the combinations worked; the first line is to show that the “normal”
entry passes with a warning):
B0102 0902 X7B4000-0 Tp 011 Na
B0109 0909 X???000-0 ???
B0109 0909 X???000-0
B0109 0909 X??????-? ???
And get the following:
Hint: Parsing as: SEC (Legacy)
Error: SEC Parse, line 2: B0109 0909 X???000-0
Error: SEC Parse, line 3: B0109 0909 X???000-0
Error: SEC Parse, line 4: B0109 0909 X??????-?
3 errors, 2 warnings.
Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?
With SEC files you must have an allegiance code to anchor the parsing, so toss "Xx" (Unknown) on the end of those lines and they will parse.