On 12Nov2019 0415, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:
> P.S. It was stated in one of the Library Entries I came across while
> chasing down my memories of the Dtank saga that the avg jump achieved
> by the Xboat system is only 2.6 parsecs so even increasing Jmax to
> six would probably not increase Javg to more than 4 parsecs thus
> greatly increasing the 'speed' of public commo but still not coming
> close to the speed of the J6 couriers avail for official commo.
My recollection is that one reason given for not increasing the system
to J-6 was that the average jump range wouldn't go up enough to justify
the increased cost. Personally I think that is just the official line
for public consumption and the real reasons are a desire to retain the
governmental/naval and megacorporate speed advantage, and also
resistance from vested interests - a lot of worlds along the X-boat
routes would wither if they were moved, which they would be if a J-6
system were set up, even if the J-6 system only covered the main trunks,
leaving the side branches at J-4.
The way I read it was that J6 capability would only be added where it was "needed".
(Like the supposed error to the Xboat route, a J5, in one of the 'Marches subsectors. Perhaps that's a 'test' route?)
After all there are lots of 'short' jumps in the current routes even with J4.
It looks to me like the J3 to J4 upgrade didn't really cut anyone important out.
In any case, some low-pop backwater worlds that are only there cuz' Xboats can't go more than J4 wouldn't really matter anyway.
It's kinda' like the military bases controversy here in the USA.
Places with military bases that aren't really needed anymore piss & moan & whine & cry & drag things out but, eventually, it happens.
In one of the early CT LBB Adventures it was stated that, I believe, Vanajen, had once had an IN naval base that was active during the 3FW.
Part of it is still there, in orbit, abandoned & derelict.
If the IN can do it, I figure that the Scout Service will too.
Also, anyone with a proprietary J6 courier system will still have a vary big advantage.
And then there's also the 'interests' & 'influence' of those who stand to gain from the upgrade.
Lot's of profits to be made, after all.