Howdy Phil,

Thank you for the reply and for the probable no that a Model/3 would not support a jump of four parsecs.

Looking overall of the computer related material in CT LBB 2 1977, 1981 I'm relatively sure that a Model/3 would not handle a jump 4 which limits some hulls to J3 at TL 9.

Tom Rux
On October 23, 2019 at 8:28 AM "Phil Pugliese (via tml list)" <> wrote:

Just offhand I'd say "no" as it's always been my understanding that CT LBB ships' computers are limited in that respect.


On Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 07:37:06 PM MST, Thomas RUX <> wrote:

Hello all,

While working on the Jump Drive question comparison of j-max at the TLs detailed in CT LBB 3 1977, 1981 I'm trying to figure out if CT LBB 2 1977, 1981 Computer Models/3+ can handle jumps of greater than their designated number..

At TL 9 can custom 100 ton hull with a Computer Model/3 make a J4 TL 9 Type-B drive jump 4 parsecs?

If the answer yes and the hull uses a minimum of a J1 fuel load, a 2 week power plant fuel load, and drop tanks there is a possibility that a custom hull can make a four parsec jump.

If not then the hull maximum is J3 as far as I can tell.

Tom Rux

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