While I'm here...
... I solved the problem of wanting to try a reMarkable but wincing at the cost. Work have bought one I can experiment with and report back on. It turned up today.
Providing you know its limitations (b/w, no web browsing, etc) it really is good at what it does and feels terrific to write on. Can definitely see me editing Traveller articles and adventures on it. Have already had a go at mapping which it can handle. Freelance Traveller goes in nicely. (Meant to try rulebooks but am too tired tonight. Tomorrow.) Can't wait to sit in the sun with my feet up and still be able to work in bright light without battery death.
Will keep you posted if anyone cares.
My dream, of course, would be a colour version. What TL is colour e-ink?! (I thought I'd seen it but not yet on this device)