Howdy again Phil,
The jump fuel calculations are the same in CT LBB 2 and CT LBB 5 HG. The calculation for power plant fuel is different.
I agree that CT LBB 2 is primarily used to design civilian and light military hulls. However, using CT LBB 5 HG you can build hulls with smaller drives in the civilian hulls than those in CT LBB 2. CT LBB 5 HG gives the designer the option to use the CT LBB 2 jump drive, power plant, and maneuver drive with the caveat that the CT LBB 2 fuel consumption formulas must be used.
Tom Rux
Looking at my copy, it looks like my position is actually vindicated!
CT B5 HG, 1980 revision, page 22, under section heading Drives:
“Custom-built drives must be produced and installed while observing restrictions as to Tech Level and interior space. It is possible to include standard drives (at standard prices) from Book 2 if they will otherwise meet the ships requirements; such drives use fuel as indicated by the formulas in Book 2.”
Yes! The problems were only imagined! And magnified! And then canonized! And... well, this presumed that you don’t make the argument that standard drives by tech level are superseded by jump potential by tech level.