I can't really see what difference canon/non-canon makes anymore.
There's so much contradictory material that's piled up over 40+ years that just about anything can be 'found' & once 'found' contradicted.
Even the timeline is sketchy.
Recently a TL was posted here that indicated that the Terran were still at J1 when the 1st Interstellar War began.
Well that was news to me as everything I've ever read about that has indicated that the terrans didn't contact the 1I till they already had J2!
Canon doesn't really mean anything anymore, IMO.
More of an affectation than anything else.
Gives someone a chance to puff-up their chest.
I say, "Just take what you like & dump what you don't".
IMO, that pretty much sums up what a whole lot of writers, esp the later ones, have been doing all along anyway.
Heck, even MM himself, has done it & did so 'way back when'