Hello Ethan,

> On August 22, 2019 at 9:26 PM Ethan McKinney <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

> Separate fuel tankage? Certainly

I'm off to a good start with my questions about subordinate craft.

> Small craft powering the main ship? That can be tricky--depends on lots of assumptions. Is there a heat dissipation

> problem? Some sort of exhaust?

In MT most of the subordinate craft are using fusion power plants which suggests to me that their heat dissipation is similar to those on larger craft.

The subordinate craft is used as an emergency power source to run systems like basic environment and basic life support running at minimum. In addition to the basic environment and life support supply I would power at least on communicator and basic sensors.

Yes, using a power plant that emits exhaust fumes does pose a tricky situation that needs to be handled in some way, but then there are lots of details in Traveller that have not been explained.

> David suggests that the main ship would be set up to power the small craft so that you could test their systems.

> You're not going to test weapons or drives in the hangar, though. Too many things that can go wrong!

I am going to disagree that subordinate craft weapons and drives will not be tested in the hangar and I agree that things can go wrong.

To ensure that all equipment works properly call for maintenance which normally requires the systems be run through certain checklists. The checklists include parameters that has steps that are designed to prevent things from going wrong. Unfortunately, things can still go wrong.

Thank you for your reply and continued help.

Tom Rux