On Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 9:19 AM Thomas RUX <xxxxxx@comcast.net> wrote:

A. "HG2 page 29:On ships 1,000 tons and under mixed turrets (weapons of different types in the same turret) are allowed; in such cases, each weapon is a battery."

In a mixed dual turret or a mixed triple turret with three different weapons installed I agree that each weapon is a single battery as indicated in the requirements found on HG2. Unfortunately, I have disagreed with the requirement when two CT HG2 Beam Lasers have been installed in a mixed triple turret. A TL 7 to 12 Dual Beam Laser turret's UCP is 2, from TL 13 to 15 the UCP is 3, and at TL 16+ the UCP is 4.

This is an errata item, absolutely. The idea that you can have *more* laser batteries by sticking a sandcaster into a triple turret with two lasers is absurd. Errata the errata to read, " ... in such cases, the weapons of the same class in each turret are a battery."

Now we just need to figure out how to handle the jerk who sticks one beam laser and one pulse laser in the same turret!
