IMO, MT was the 1st mistake while TNE was 'merely' the compounding fatal one.

I wouldn't expect anyone ay GDW to admit what a big mistake they made.
It goes against human nature, esp when they all just *knew* that it was the best thing since sliced bread!
The howls of distress that resounded on this list should've been a 'fair warning' but, by then, I imagine they already 'drank the kool-aid'.

The annals of retail marketing, from largest to smallest, are replete with many, many similar tales &, in the end, the guys who are responsible always, always, always show a very high propensity to 'point the finger' elsewhere.

GDW, died due to bad decisions by management.
TNE was the last, fatal, one.

On Thursday, April 4, 2019, 2:19:01 PM MST, Rupert Boleyn <> wrote:

On 05Apr2019 0925, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:
> AMAZING!Too bad it didn't make up for all the folks like me that it
> drove away.Guess GDW figured they already had us on 'the hook' so it
> didn't matter what they did.

Or maybe they noted that sales of MT weren't stellar, and thought that
it was time to try something else, and to try and revive the line.
Nobody who worked at GDW at the time agrees that TNE killed GDW, and LKW
and Dave Nilsen have both said that TNE was doing as well as could be
expected for a game line at the time.

GDW (which has now been gone for about as long a time as it existed)
died for reasons other than TNE being a bad seller.

Rupert Boleyn <>
Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief
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